The Josiah Royce Society was established in 2003 to encourage the study of the life and work of the American philosopher Josiah Royce (1855-1916).
President: Mathew Foust, Appalachian State University
Vice President/President-Elect: Richard Atkins, Boston College
Secretary: Kara Barnette, Westminster University
Treasurer: Robin Friedman, Independent Scholar
Immediate Past President: Kim Garchar, Kent State University
Fellows (Past Presidents)
Daniel Brunson, Morgan State University
Michael Brodrick, Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University
Jacquelyn Kegley, California State University, Bakersfield
Dwayne Tunstall, Grand Valley State University
Scott L. Pratt, University of Oregon
Griffin Trotter, St. Louis University
Kelly A. Parker, Grand Valley State University
John J. McDermott, Texas A & M University
Frank M. Oppenheim, S.J., Xavier University
Portrait, 1914, from the Josiah Royce Collection
Ms. 29, Special Collections
The Milton S. Eisenhower Library of
The Johns Hopkins University
High Resolution Scan of Image
Il pragmatismo assoluto. Le Harrison Lectures del 1911 Josiah Royce
Edited by Rocco Monti
Posted March 19th, 2024
The 2023 APA Eastern Division Meeting will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, January 4-7. If you are interested in attending and presenting, please submit a short proposal (title and up to 250 word abstract) to daniel.brunson@morgan.edu by June 13th.
Posted May 25th, 2022
The 2023 APA Central Division Meeting will be held in Denver, CO, February 22-25. If you are interested in attending and presenting, please submit a short proposal (title and up to 250 word abstract) to daniel.brunson@morgan.edu by August 1st.
Posted May 17th, 2022
The Problem of Job: Josiah Royce’s Theology and Theistic Finitism
Posted December 16th, 2021
The First Phase of the Royce Edition Website Completed The Royce Edition website (royce-edition.iupui.edu) now includes all available published writings of Josiah Royce. In this work, the Ignas Skrupskelis bibliography was the guide. Bibliographical entries fill fifty-five pages, with 282 separate entries. Some items are brief notes, and some items are two volume books. Seven short essays in The Berkeleyan, a University of California student publication, from 1874 and 1875 cannot be found. These essays were likely lost in the fire that took place at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1980. Seven articles on the history of the state of California are ignored, because, while Royce is listed as a contributor to the articles, his contributions cannot be identified or separated out. Several articles are ignored, because, while Royce’s name is included in the contributors, whether he contributed anything is not clear. Published notes of “thank you” and “congratulations” are ignored. Six articles are added from other bibliographic resources. Several posthumous collections and publications are included. While I am adept at finding material online, I could not complete this project without the assistance of experts and supportive library staffs. Teodora Durbin, interlibrary loan specialist, at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, was extremely helpful in locating obscure items. This work could not be completed without her expertise and extra efforts. The library staffs at Brown University, The Johns Hopkins University, and Harvard University graciously went beyond their normal duties to obtain copies of Royce articles in publications which are located in deep storage or off-site. These libraries held the only known copies of the publications. The extra efforts are greatly appreciated. The next phase of the project is to post reviews of Royce’s books and specific responses to Royce’s writings by his contemporaries. John Shook kindly provided links to reviews and articles. This phase of the project has begun. The website has a transcription of Royce’s handwritten Ph.D. dissertation and transcriptions of fourteen sets of unpublished lectures. The transcription work will continue under the supervision of Scott Pratt, University of Oregon, Director of the Josiah Royce Edition. The Royce Foundation generously provided a grant of $500.00 for the purchase from Rutgers University Press of a license to post Josiah Royce's Seminar, 1913-1914: As Recorded in the Notebooks of Harry T. Costello. Edited by Grover Smith. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1963, xxiii, 209 pp. on the Edition website as an open access volume, which means that individuals may download and read the volume, use it in research, and quote from it in scholarly publications, but not redistribute the volume or use it in any manner for profit. This book is significant in that the notes made by Harry Costello provide a unique insight into the teaching of Josiah Royce. This book will be posted on the Edition website within the category “Transcribed Manuscripts,” because the book is not a publication by Royce himself, but a transcription of what Royce presented verbally. Of course, website errors and omissions are likely. Your assistance in making corrections is welcomed. Please email me. May you find the website useful in your exploration of the work of Josiah Royce. David Pfeifer Website Administrator depfeife@iu.edu
Posted December 5th, 2021
Thursday, January 6th, 09:00-10:50 AM BALTIMORE MARRIOTT WATERFRONTG5E. Josiah Royce Society Chair: Daniel Brunson (Morgan State University) Speakers: Daniel Brunson (Morgan State University)
“Arguments from the Possibilities of Errors” Carl Sachs (Marymount University)
“The Importance of Being Wrong: Davidson’s
Roycean Roots” Kara Barnette (Westminster College of Salt Lake
“It’s Not Me, It’s You: Royce’s Conception of Error
and Cognitive Behavior Therapy”
Posted December 3rd, 2021
At the suggestion of the Royce Edition Director, Scott Pratt, the Royce Edition website (royce-edition.iupui.edu) has two new categories—Reviews of Royce’s Books and Responses to Royce’s Articles. (These categories are presently empty.) With the public domain classification now extending through December 31, 1924, all of the reviews and responses to Royce’s work written during his lifetime are available for posting on the website. The website would like to post these materials. No convenient way of finding these writings is readily available. A search will begin in the future. However, if you have references to such writings, please send the bibliographic information to: depfeife@iupui.edu. These new postings will make a nice addition to the website. Thank you for your ongoing interest and support.
David Pfeifer
Posted February 13th, 2021
Frank M. Oppenheim, a prolific scholar whose deep knowledge of the life and thought of Josiah Royce was unsurpassed and whose personal warmth and self-effacing concern for others touched the lives of many, passed away on April 3 in Clarkston, Michigan.
Oppenheim was born in 1925 in Coldwater, Ohio. He attended Xavier, Loyola, and Saint Louis universities, before joining the Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus in 1942. He was ordained in 1955.
Oppenheim wrote four books on Royce: Royce’s Journey Down Under (1985), Royce’s Mature Philosophy of Religion (1987), Royce’s Mature Ethics (1993), and Reverence for the Relations of Life: Re-imagining Pragmatism via Josiah Royce’s Interactions with Peirce, James, and Dewey (2004). He also authored scores of journal articles and, with Dawn Aberg and John Kaag, a 750-page Comprehensive Index of the Writings of Josiah Royce. He was a founding member of the Josiah Royce Society and its first president.
While the impact of Oppenheim’s work on Royce Studies and American philosophy more broadly can hardly be overstated, Oppenheim himself eschewed the role of the haughty academic don. Those who knew him will remember his unassuming warmth, gentle sense of humor and genuine concern for students and colleagues alike.
Over the decades, Oppenheim’s work defined a generation of Royce scholarship--- one that recovered Royce’s philosophy after a long period of neglect, that sought to elucidate the complex relations between Royce’s thought and biography and that delighted in debates over the fine points of Royce’s theories.
Yet behind the purely academic features of Oppenheim’s work, impactful as those features were, was an irreplaceable individual, Oppenheim, whose character and personality left an even deeper impression. Reading Oppenheim, one senses the philosopher behind the philosophy--- the humble questioner, the joyful seeker, the wise and avuncular mentor.
We can be thankful not only for the insights Oppenheim gave us as a thinker but also for the virtues he exemplified as a person. Those insights and virtues continue to inspire and sustain our community even as we mourn his passing.
Posted April 11th, 2020
The Josiah Royce Society (JRS) invites the submission of papers or abstracts for a special JRS session to convene at the March 5-7, 2020 meetings of the Society for Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP). Those meetings will be held in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
The session theme, like that of the SAAP meetings, will be "Inter-American Philosophy" as describe here.
Please prepare your paper or abstract for blind review. Papers should be capable of being presented in 20-25 minutes; abstracts should be at least 250 words in length.
Please e-mail your paper or abstract to michael.brodrick@gmail.com by Tuesday, October 1, 2019.
We look forward to considering your submissions!
Posted August 9th, 2019
Call for Papers--- Deadline Extended!
2019 Douglas MacDonald Conference on the Life and Work of Josiah Royce, His Colleagues and Students
October 18-20, 2019
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Cheryl Misak, University of Toronto
Professor Jackie Kegley, California State University at Bakersfield
Professor John Clendenning, California State University at Northridge
The Josiah Royce Society and the Philosophy Department at Vanderbilt University announce the 2019 Douglas MacDonald Conference on the life and work of Josiah Royce, his colleagues and students.
This special conference seeks to explore the richness and diversity of American philosophy. The Conference Committee accordingly invites submissions on any aspect of the life and work of Josiah Royce, his colleagues and students. Submissions dealing with Royce’s colleagues, such as William James and George Santayana, or his students, such as W. E. B. DuBois and T. S. Eliot, are most welcome, as are those dealing with some aspect of Royce’s own life and work.
Submissions should be approximately 3,000 words.
Please prepare your submissions for anonymized review and e-mail them to michael.brodrick AT gmail.com by May 01, 2019.
Posted March 6th, 2019
Call for Papers
2019 Douglas MacDonald Conference on the Life and Work of Josiah Royce, His Colleagues and Students
Dates: October 18-20, 2019
Location: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Keynote Speakers: Professor Cheryl Misak, University of Toronto Professor Jackie Kegley, California State University at Bakersfield
The Josiah Royce Society and the Philosophy Department at Vanderbilt University announce the 2019 Douglas MacDonald Conference on the life and work of Josiah Royce, his colleagues and students.
This special conference seeks to explore the richness and diversity of American philosophy. The Conference Committee accordingly invites submissions on any aspect of the life and work of Josiah Royce, his colleagues and students. Submissions dealing with Royce’s colleagues, such as William James and George Santayana, or his students, such as W. E. B. DuBois and T. S. Eliot, are most welcome, as are those dealing with some aspect of Royce’s own life and work.
Submissions should be approximately 3,000 words.
Please prepare your submissions for anonymized review and e-mail them to michael.brodrick AT gmail.com by March 1, 2019.
Posted November 12th, 2018
October 1, 2018
Dear Colleagues,
I write to you with a heavy heart to acknowledge the passing of Professor John J. McDermott.
McDermott was a giant in the field of American philosophy, a founding member of the Josiah Royce Society and its President for two years. His The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, first published in 1969 by the University of Chicago Press and reissued in 2005 by Fordham University Press, almost single-handedly brought Royce’s philosophy back to prominence after a long period of neglect. McDermott’s brilliant introduction to the Vanderbilt University Press edition of Royce’s The Philosophy of Loyalty has become the classic introduction to the text. These landmark achievements barely begin to scratch the surface of McDermott’s matchless contribution to Royce studies.
Those of us who were fortunate enough to know John personally know that there was much to admire about him. There was his indefatigable work ethic, his keen pedagogical instinct, his unmistakable presence in a room or behind a podium and his massive intellectual and moral courage.
Those who were close to John will also recall his near-boundless generosity, his irrepressible sense of humor and his deep devotion to family and friends. With that devotion he allowed neither time nor space to interfere. Even at a distance, whether over the phone or when reading a short note from him sent through the mail, one felt that he really cared.
Philosophers of McDermott’s legendary stature are few and far between, but rarer still are those individuals whose example inspires us to become better and whose love touches our lives deeply. John was one of those irreplaceable individuals.
I know that I speak for many in the Royce Society when I say that I will always remember the fine example that John set for us. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this sad and painful time.
Very truly yours,
Michael Brodrick
Michael Brodrick, PhD
Josiah Royce Society President
Arkansas Tech University
Posted October 2nd, 2018
Josiah Royce Society Meeting at the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting, February 20-23, 2019, Denver, Colorado.
The Royce Society will hold an affiliated group meeting at the APA Central Meeting in Denver, February 20-23, 2019. We now open a Call for Papers. Papers on the work of Josiah Royce, his influence on other thinkers, and his relevance to contemporary issues are welcomed. Papers from junior scholars and advanced graduate students are encouraged.
This session will include two or three paper presentations and possibly brief commentary on each presentation. Papers should be able to be read in c. 25 minutes (c. 3000 words).
Please prepare your paper or abstract for anonymous review, and attach a separate document with the paper title, author name, and contact information.
Full program information must be submitted by October 1, 2018. Thus, the deadline for submission of papers is midnight, Friday, September 7, 2018. Submissions are to be emailed to depfeife@iupui.edu. Decisions on which papers are accepted will follow in seven to ten days.
Posted June 5th, 2018
Friday, 01/05, 11:15 AM - 01:15 PM, Savannah Convention Center
G11I Josiah Royce Society Chair: Daniel Brunson (Morgan State University)
Speaker: Mathew Foust (Central Connecticut State University) “Loyalty, Justice, and Rights: Royce and Police Ethics in 21st Century America”
Commentator: Daniel Brunson (Morgan State University)
Presidential Address: Jacquelyn Ann Kegley
Posted December 22nd, 2017
Thursday, 02/22, 07:40-10:40 PM, Palmer House Hilton
G8E. Josiah Royce Society
Topic: Report on Josiah Royce Society activities, report on progress of the Josiah Royce Critical Edition
Michael Brodrick (Arkansas Tech University) “A Critique of Royce’s Theory of Loyalty”
David E. Pfeifer (Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis) “Charles Peirce and Josiah Royce’s Semiotic Move”
Posted December 22nd, 2017
Deadline Extended!
Call for papers/abstracts for Josiah Royce Society Sessions at the 2018 Eastern APA, to be held 01/03-01/06 in Savannah, GA.
This session will include two or three paper presentations and possibly brief commentary on each presentation. Topics are open to anything related to the thought of Josiah Royce. Papers should be able to be read in 20-25 minutes (around 2500-3000 words). If submitting an abstract, it should be no shorter than 250 words.
Please prepare your paper or abstract for anonymous review, and attach a separate document with the paper title, author name, and contact information. Prospective presenters are asked to email their proposals to Daniel Brunson at danieljamesbrunson@gmail.com by June 30th, 2017.
Notification regarding submission status will be made by July 7th, 2017.
Posted June 5th, 2017
Call for papers/abstracts for Josiah Royce Society Sessions at the 2018 Central APA, to be held 02/21-02/24 in Chicago, IL.
This session will include two or three paper presentations and possibly brief commentary on each presentation. Topics are open to anything related to the thought of Josiah Royce. Papers should be able to be read in 20-25 minutes (around 2500-3000 words). If submitting an abstract, it should be no shorter than 250 words.
Please prepare your paper or abstract for anonymous review, and attach a separate document with the paper title, author name, and contact information.
Prospective presenters are asked to email their proposals to David Pfeifer at depfeife@iupui.edu by September 1st, 2017.
Notification regarding submission status will be made by September 15th, 2017.
Posted May 16th, 2017
Special issue of The Pluralist dedicated to the legacy of Frank M. Oppenheim, SJ
Josiah Royce Society in partnership with The
Pluralist invites submissions that make substantial use of Oppenheim’s
scholarly work and/or substantively address his legacy as a Royce scholar.
should be approximately 6,000- 8,000 words and prepared for blind review. Please
e-mail your submission to michael.brodrick@gmail.com by August 1,
2017. The best submissions will be published in the journal next year.
Posted May 11th, 2017
Call for papers/abstracts for Josiah Royce Society Sessions at the 2018 Eastern APA, to be held 01/03-01/06 in Savannah, GA.
This session will include two or three paper presentations and possibly brief commentary on each presentation. Topics are open to anything related to the thought of Josiah Royce. Papers should be able to be read in 20-25 minutes (around 2500-3000 words). If submitting an abstract, it should be no shorter than 250 words.
Please prepare your paper or abstract for anonymous review, and attach a separate document with the paper title, author name, and contact information.
Prospective presenters are asked to email their proposals to Daniel Brunson at danieljamesbrunson AT gmail.com by June 15th, 2017.
Notification regarding submission status will be made by July 1st, 2017.
Posted May 8th, 2017
email <webmaster@roycesociety.org> | updated 10 february 2024